Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Imogen Heap - Ellipse

25 degrees and clear; cold but in my puffy jacket and brown stocking cap, I was doing fine

I am a bit of a choir boy. I started out at Cedar Heights Junior High, and then sang my way through another junior high and two high schools. I even did a zero hour jazz choir class my senior year. Maybe that's why I have found myself drawn to bands with singers that use their voices as instruments. Bands like the Beach Boys and mid to late career Beatles. Another contemporary favorite is Nada Surf. A lot of good bands seem to use their voice as a means to get a message accross and the accompinament as a way to make it sound good. Voice driven bands are different. The music may be great, the lyrics may be poetic or striking, but what sets them apart are that the singers really add to the melodies. I find myself humming to the singer's melody lines as much as the guitarist's.

My brother-in-law introduced Lisa and I to Imogen Heap a few years ago. But it wasn't until this walk that I really realized why I liked her music so much, the melodies she sings and her voice makes this music beautiful. Here's a song from her latest album, Ellipse:

Sorry if this post seems disjointed. Lost was on TV. I love this show. Claire has gone crazy!

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